End-to-End designing and developing services from discovery to live phases, to deliver the Services to manage the Tech and Data workstream of the Vaccinations Programme
The value of this Direct Award extension is, £27,507,412.39. The Expiry Date has been extended by eighteen months to 8th May 2026. This Direct Award extension is being made in accordance with Regulation 32(2)(b)(ii) of the Public Cont...
End-to-End designing and developing services from discovery to live phases, to deliver the Services to manage the Tech and Data workstream of the Vaccinations Programme
The value of this Direct Award extension is, £27,507,412.39. The Expiry Date has been extended by eighteen months to 8th May 2026. This Direct Award extension is being made in accordance with Regulation 32(2)(b)(ii) of the Public Contract Regulations 2015.
The services provided under the contract remain the same, being the provision of Integrated Product and Delivery Management, Technical Speciality - Architecture, Business Analysis, IT Development Operations, Data Quality, Assurance & Test and User Centred Design. However, there has been an unforeseen need to extend the contract for a further eighteen months while the re-procurement, ahead of a planned 2026 award, is completed.
During the original and extended term, there has been a non-substantial amendment to the contract, reflecting the agile nature of the services. The revised value of the contract is now £65,007,412.39