I.D.: 77755390

Design Print and Related Services Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) for the London Borough of Camden

Vrsta ugovora
Supply Contract
Datum objave
Vrsta objave:
Tender (all procedures)
CPV kodovi
Mjesto isporuke:
Inner London - East
  • Preuzmi
  • Printanje
  • Bilješke
    Morate biti prijavljeni kako biste mogli spremiti bilješke.
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  • Prijevod
Long Description The Council's intention is to share this Dynamic Purchasing System Contract ("DPS") with other public sector bodies in the UK. Therefore, other local authorities, NHS and government bodies shall be permitted to award contracts under the DPS for the provision of the Services in its own geographical area upon entering an access agreement with the Council. The DPS is divided into the following service catego...
Long Description The Council's intention is to share this Dynamic Purchasing System Contract ("DPS") with other public sector bodies in the UK. Therefore, other local authorities, NHS and government bodies shall be permitted to award contracts under the DPS for the provision of the Services in its own geographical area upon entering an access agreement with the Council. The DPS is divided into the following service categories (each being a "Service Category"): • Lot 1: Standard print • Lot 2: Mailing • Lot 3: Large format, signage and display printing • Lot 4: Security printing and Confidential Printing - General • Lot 5: Branded promotional products, specialist printing and binders • Lot 6: Creative services design and artwork for print and digital media • Lot 7: Copywriting and proof-reading • Lot 8: Photography • Lot 9: Digital communications • Lot 10: Filming and Videography • Lot 11: Door-to-door Distribution • Lot 12: Security Printing - Electoral Services When applying for membership of the DPS, Suppliers are invited to select which Service Category or Categories they wish to apply for. There is no limit on the number of Service Categories that a Supplier may apply for. The DPS will establish multiple suppliers who through this procurement exercise will have demonstrated that they can deliver the service and agreed pre-determined terms and conditions. Call offs or individual contracts will be awarded on the basis of a further mini-competition (also known as invitation to tender) which will be held between all the suppliers on the DPS.
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