Due to a technical issue the dates above do not represent the actual DPS Contract Dates.
2022/S 000-020877
NHS Supply Chain: Food seeks to establish a non-exclusive DPS Agreement for the supply of Fresh Food to NHS Supply Chain: Food's customer base via the Direct Route covering products including but not limited to: fruit, vegetables, prepared potatoes, salads, milk, dairy products, eggs, bread, morning goods, fresh meat...
Due to a technical issue the dates above do not represent the actual DPS Contract Dates.
2022/S 000-020877
NHS Supply Chain: Food seeks to establish a non-exclusive DPS Agreement for the supply of Fresh Food to NHS Supply Chain: Food's customer base via the Direct Route covering products including but not limited to: fruit, vegetables, prepared potatoes, salads, milk, dairy products, eggs, bread, morning goods, fresh meat, fresh poultry, fresh fish and meat alternatives.
The DPS will be in place for a minimum of 7 years with an approximate spend of £200m and will be the main procurement route for NHS Trusts Fresh Food requirements.
The DPS is open for applications until 28th February 2029 as a minimum.
The DPS is divided into 4 categories of products and Applicants may apply to be included on any or all of the product categories. The 4 categories under the DPS are as follows:
Category 1 - Dairy & Bakery
Category 2 - Fresh Meat, Poultry & Fish
Category 3 - Fruit, Vegetables & Salads
Category 4 - Meat Alternatives
Applicants will only be accepted to categories they have applied for if they pass all mandatory criteria within the DPS award process.
Additional information:
Submission of expression of interest and procurement specific information:
This procurement exercise will be conducted on the NHS Supply Chain eProcurement portal at https://nhssupplychain.app.jaggaer.com/
Candidates wishing to be considered for this contract must register their expression of interest and provide additional procurement-specific information (if required) through the NHS Supply Chain eProcurement portal using the URL https://nhssupplychain.app.jaggaer.com/ to access the portal. Please see instructions below on how to Express Interest and Intend to Respond:
Selection Questionnaire:
- Once you have registered and logged in to Jaggaer, you will see a section called 'Supplier Area'. Under this you will need to go to 'ITTs open to All Suppliers'. In this section you will find an SQ titled 'Fresh Food DPS', click into this.
- Once you have clicked into the ITT, click 'Express Interest' in the top right-hand corner. Once you have expressed interest in the ITT, a new option will appear titled 'Intent to Respond'. You will need to click intend to respond to be able to fill in a response.
- Once you have Expressed Interest and Intended to Respond to the ITT, this will now sit under 'My ITTs' in the Supplier Area and will no longer show under 'ITTs Open to all Suppliers'.
- Once you have registered and logged in to Jaggaer, you will see a section called 'Supplier Area'. Under this you will need to go to 'ITTs open to All Suppliers'. In this section you will find 4 ITTs which are the Categories for this DPS. The ITTs will have the following titles:
-- Category 1 - Dairy & Bakery DPS
-- Category 2 - Fresh Meat, Poultry & Fish DPS
-- Category 3 - Fruit, Vegetables & Salads DPS
-- Category 4 - Meat Alternatives DPS
- Once you have clicked into your chosen Category/Categories, click 'Express Interest' in the top right-hand corner. Once you have expressed interest in the ITT, a new option will appear titled 'Intent to Respond'. You will need to click intend to respond to be able to fill in a response.
- Once you have Expressed Interest and Intended to Respond to the ITT, this will now sit under 'My ITTs' in the Supplier Area and will no longer show under 'ITTs Open to all Suppliers'.
For any technical help with the portal please contact:Tel: 0800 069 8630 or email: help_uk@jaggaer.com