I.D.: 89642208

MH-HSG-DPS-23-10 Establishment of a Dynamic Purchasing System DPS for provision of Ecology Services

Vrsta ugovora
Datum objave
Vrsta objave:
Tender (sve procedure)
CPV kodovi
Mjesto isporuke:
Meath County Council, as the Contracting Authority, proposes to create a Dynamic Purchasing System for the provision of Ecology Services in connection with a variety of sites/projects throughout Meath County Councils functional area. The purpose for creating a DPS for Ecology Services is to provide a single point of contact for the provision of construction related professional services to the Local Author...
Meath County Council, as the Contracting Authority, proposes to create a Dynamic Purchasing System for the provision of Ecology Services in connection with a variety of sites/projects throughout Meath County Councils functional area. The purpose for creating a DPS for Ecology Services is to provide a single point of contact for the provision of construction related professional services to the Local Authority for housing projects. The majority of the work anticipated to take place under the remit of this DPS relates to the activities of the Housing Section but other sections within Meath County Council may avail of the services covered by this DPS
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